Blood conservation strategies


Applicable for elective cases


  • Screen and correct coagulation defects
  • Stop anti-platelet / anticoagulant Rx
  • Consider
    • Iron Rx
    • EPO
    • Haematology referral if anaemia

Surgical planning

  • Staged procedure
  • Smallest procedure possible
  • Experienced surgeon
  • Arterial embolisation ... by interventional radiologist


  • Autologous blood transfusion
    • Logistics may be difficult
    • 1 unit per week for 4/52

Minimise bleeding

  • Permissive hypotension
    • Avoid in head injury
  • Positioning patient to reduce venous pressure in surgical field
  • ?Neuraxial blockade (instead of GA)

Surgical techniques

➤ Minimise arterial bleed:

  • Clamps to arteries
  • Limb tourniquet (with limb exsanguination before tourniquet inflation)

➤ Minimise wound bleeding:

  • Use of diathermy / harmonic scalpel
  • Direct compression
  • Packing
  • Use of topical agents
    • e.g. thrombin, collagen, fibrin glue / fibrin sealant

Rx of coagulopathy

  • Avoid hypothermia and acidosis


  • Tranexamic acid
    • 1g over 10 min ... followed by 1g over 8 hours
  • ε-aminocaproic acid

Coagulation factors

  • FFP
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Prothrombinex
  • Recombinant factor VIIa
    • i.e. Novoseven
    • 50 mcg/kg at PAH
  • Desmopressin
    • i.e. DDAVP
    • 0.3 mcg/g
    • NOT recommended for routine use unless congenital bleeding disorder (Cochrane 2008)


  • Platelets

Other options

  • Cell salvage
    • Intraop cell saver
    • Postop auto-trainsfusion drains
  • Acute normovolaemic haemodilution