Handing patients over
A. Identification data:
- Name, age, gender, UR no, ward/bed number
- Admission date
- Primary consultant
B. Important information to handover:
- Clinical background
- Tasks / plan
- Context
1. Clinical background
List of patients ranked according to urgency
Current major issues
Brief history of presenting complaint (HxPC)
Active problems by system (PMHx)
Recent procedures or significant events
Baseline status
- Vital signs
- Key investigations
2. Tasks / Plan
(i.e. what needs to be done or may need to be done)
Specific actions
- If.... then...
- Criteria for repeating reviews
Warning of pending information
- e.g. Ix results, review by another team, etc
Contingency planning
Rx so far
- What Rx has been instituted
- What Rx has or has not worked before
3. Context
Code status
- Do not resuscitate status (DNR)
- Recent changes or family discussions
Difficult family or psychosocial issues
Safety concerns
Useful for handover of a trauma patient
A - Age and demographic
M - Mechanism of injury (how did the injury occur?)
I - Injuries (what are the injuries?)
S - S&S (vitals and abnormal S&S)
T - Treatment
End with
- ETA (if applicable)
- Any further question?
Used by QCC for keeping track of patients
- I = Identification / Immediate needs
- Identification of persons
- Myself and team
- Patient
- Receiving doctors
- Immediate needs (or lack thereof)
- Identification of persons
- S = Situation
- What happened, what is wrong
- What is my concern
- i.e. Why am I talking to you?
- Mechanism of injury
- O = Observations
- Vitals
- Patient is stable / not stable
- B = Background history
- Reason for admission (and date)
- i.e. Why is the patient here?
- Recent procedures if any
- PMHx
- Previous function
- Ix
- Medications and allergies
- Resus status
- Reason for admission (and date)
- A = Assessment
- Diagnosis / Clinical impressions
- Current major/active issues or concerns
- R
- Response to treatment
- Recommendation
- Requirements
- What do I want? What would I like to happen?
⦿ NB:
- Addenbrooke's uses the SBAR handover system
- Situation (Also includes "Identification" and "Observation")
- Background
- Assessment
- Recommendation (Also includes "Requirements")
Useful for preop patients or quick handovers
- S = S&S
- A = Allergies
- M = Medications
- P = Past history
- L = Last oral intake
- E = Events leading to incident