Malignant hyperthermia - Protocol

As per MH ANZ guideline

8 defined roles

  1. Coordinator
  2. Anaesthetist 1 for resuscitation
  3. Anaesthetist 2 for lines and Ix
  4. Anaesthetic assistant
  5. Dantrolene reconstitution
  6. Cooling
  7. Logistics
  8. Surgical team

1. Coordinator

  • Usually done by anaesthetist 1

2. Anaesthetist 1: Resuscitation

(Dantrolene, Rx of complications, and maintaining GA)


- See [Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) - Dantrolene]({filename}/Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) -

Maintenance of anaesthesia

Rx of...

  • Hyperkalaemia
  • Arrhythmia
  • Acidosis
  • IV fluid and renal protection

Inotropic support if appropriate

3. Anaesthetist 2: Lines and Investigations

(Lines, blood tests, and documentation)

  • AL / CVL
  • Temperature probe
  • Lab tests
  • Documentation

4. Anaesthetic assistant

  • Collect MH box

  • Lines setup

  • Assist with dantrolene mixing

  • Remove volatile agents from theatre

5. Dantrolene reconstitution

  • See Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) - Dantrolene

  • Dedicated team to prepare

    • But get other people to help as much as possible
    • As many people as possible
  • 20 mg/vial

    • Reconstitute with 60 mL of sterile water
  • Will need:

    • 2.5 mg/kg IV
    • UP TO 10 mg/kg
    • e.g. for a 70kg man
      • 175 mg bolus (9 ampoules)
      • Up to 700 mg (35 ampoules)

6. Cooling

  • Lower OT temperature to lowest setting
  • Get ice
  • Cover patient with ice
  • Collect defibrillator


  • Cease active cooling at 38ÂșC

7. Logistics

  • Get more anaesthetists
  • Get more dantrolene from other sites
  • Get senior surgeon if required to complete surgery rapidly
  • Arrange ICU or transfer
  • Assist with dantrolene mixing

8. Surgical team

  • Complete or abandon surgery as soon as possible
  • Insert IDC
  • Expose patient for cooling
  • Assist with dantrolene mixing