Mindmaps for anaesthetists

This is my personal project that started a few years ago. Fortunately I was also able to turn this into a Formal Project for my specialist training with ANZCA.

It is meant to be a primer on topics relevant to the clinical anaesthesia.

At the moment the main focuses are on:

  • Medical conditions relevant to anaesthetic practice
  • Crisis situations relevant to anaesthetic practice.

I am working on the second version. I am planning to include topics from the following areas:

  • Surgical procedures
  • Regional blocks
  • Evidence-based medicine


While I have taken care to ensure the information is correct and current, mistakes can and will happen. Use at your own risk!!!

Some of the mindmaps contain my personal opinion. Some of the suggested approaches to clinical issues may be influenced by my personal bias.

Please read the "About" page in the Mindmaps for further information.

Please point out any mistakes if you find any. Thank you.

Current version: December 2013


Mindmaps for anaesthetists (2013-12) (Approx 11MBs)

Contact / feedback

Please email me at dennishuang (dot) mindmaps (at) gmail.com for any feedbacks regarding the mindmaps.