3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
              3.1.4. Physiology
         Haematology Haemostasis 


4 important forces:

  1. Clot formation
  2. Control of clot formation
  3. Clot breakdown (fibrinolysis)
  4. Control of clot breakdown


Other notes



Also facilitates the action of AT3

Also a co-factor for lipoprotein lipase

Protamine and heparin

Protamine forms irreversible complex with heparin
--> Neutralise heparin

Deficiency of coagulation

Haemophilia A = Factor 8 deficient
* aka classic haemophilia

Haemophilia B = Factor 9 deficient
* aka Christmas disease

Haemophilia A and B are sex-linked