3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
              3.1.3. Pharmacology Inhalational anaesthetic agents 

Inhalational anaesthetic agents

[SH4:p42; BH1:p47]

=== Unfinished ===

Transpose the tables when I get a chance.

Gases on the left hand side, and properties on top (to bring it in line with LAs, IV, and local)


All alkane (e.g. halothane) are proarrhythmic

Thus ether was used (not proarrhythmic)






  • 1840s - Discovery of anaesthetic properties of diethyl ether, nitrous oxide, and chloroform
  • 1930s - Discovery that fluorination of molecules decreased flammability and toxicity
  • 1950s - First fluorinated agent (fluroxene) introduced

Introduction for clinical use

  • 1951 - Fluroxene
  • 1956 - Halothane
  • 1960 - Methoxyflurane
  • 1973 - Enflurane
  • 1981 - Isoflurane
  • 1992 - Desflurane
  • 1994 - Sevoflurane



  • Only halothane and sevoflurane are not stable in soda lime at 40 degrees
  • Halothane and sevoflurane are non-pungent
  • Only halothane requires preservative


Inhalational anaesthetics
Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane Desflurane Sevoflurane N2O Xenon Comment
Blood:gas coefficient [SH4:p43] 2.54 1.90 1.46 0.42 0.69 0.46 0.115 Use this
Blood:gas coefficient [EEW1:p45] 2.4 1.4 0.45 0.65 0.46
Oil:gas coefficient [RDM6:p236] 90 18.7 53.4 1.4 1.9
Oil:gas coefficient [EEW1:p45] 224 98 19 47 1.4
MAC [SH4:p43] 0.75% 1.63% 1.17% 6.6% 1.80% 104% 63-71% Use this
MAC [RDM6:p236] 1.15% 6% 1.71% 105% 71%
MAC [RDM6:p115] 0.74% 1.68% 1.15% 6% 2.05% 104% 71%
MW 197 184 184 168 200 44 131
Boiling point (degree Celcius) 50.2 56.5 48.5 22.8 58.5 -88.5 -108
Vapour pressure at 20C (mmHg) 244mmHg 172 mmHg 240mmHg 669mmHg 170mmHg gas gas



Simplied table of inhalational anaesthetics
Halothane Enflurane Isoflurane Desflurane Sevoflurane N2O Xenon Comment
Blood:gas 2.54 1.90 1.46 0.42 0.69 0.46 0.115 Xe = lowest,
Oil:gas 224 98 19 47 1.4 N2O less oil soluble, but more blood soluble than desflurane
MAC 0.75% 1.63% 1.17% 6.60% 1.80% 104% 71% Hal = lowest, N2O > 100%
MW 197 184 184 168 200 44 131 S>H>E=I>D
Boiling point 50.2 56.5 48.5 22.8 58.5 -88.5 -108 Des = lowest, Iso = second lowest, Sev = highest
Vapour pressure at 20C 244 mmHg 172 mmHg 240 mmHg 669 mmHg 170 mmHg gas gas Des = highest, Sev = lowest






Carbon monoxide production

Carbon monoxide is produced when inhalational anaesthetics degrades during interaction with the strong base in desiccated carbon dioxide absorber

  • Desflurane produces the highest carbon monoxide
  • Then enflurane and isoflurane
  • Negligible with halothane and sevoflurane