3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
              3.1.3. Pharmacology
         Opioids Neuraxial Opioids 

Neuraxial Opioids





Opioid receptors (mostly MOR) are present in substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord


Effects of neuraxial opioid

  • Analgesia
    * Effects are dose-dependent
    * Specific for visceral, not somatic pain
  • Unlike IV opioid or neuraxial LA, neuraxial opioids:
    * Does NOT cause sympathetic system denervation
    * Does NOT cause skeletal muscle weakness
    * Does NOT cause loss of proprioception

Epidural opioids

Fate of epidural opioids

  • Diffusion across dural into CSF, then to mu receptors on the spinal cord
  • Systemic absorption
    * Similar to IV administration
  • Can enter epidural fat

Effects of lipid-solubility in epidural opioids

High lipid-solubility

Highly lipophilic opioid (e.g. fentanyl, sufentanil)

  • Most of the effects are due to systemic absorption

Low lipid-solubility

Poorly lipid-soluble opioid (e.g. morphine)

  • Slower onset of analgesia
  • Longer duration of action

Pharmacokinetics of neuraxial opioids

Epidural opioids

Penetration of opioid through dura into CSF depends on

  • Molecular weight
  • Lipid solubility

Lipid solubility

  • Fentanyl = 800 times as lipid soluble as morphine
    * Or 955 times [SH4:table3-5]
  • Sufentanil = 1600 times as lipid soluble as morphine
    * Or 1727 times [SH4:table3-5]

CSF concentration after epidural administration

After epidural administration, CSF concentration of

  • Fentanyl - peak in 20 min
  • Sufentanil - peak in 6 min
  • Morphine - peak in 1-4 hours (only 3% of morphine enters CSF)

Blood concentration after epidural administration

After epidural administration, blood concentration of

  • Fentanyl - peak in 5-10 min
  • Sufentanil - sooner than fentanyl
  • Morphine - 10-15 min


  • Blood concentration of opioids after epidural administration is similar to after equivalent IM dose
  • Adding epinephrine to epidural opioids
    * Decreases systemic absorption
    * No influence on diffusion into CSF
  • Adding epinephrine to intrathecal morphine
    --> Enhance analgesia


Cephalad movement of opioids in CSF


... depends on lipid solubility

  • High lipid-solubility drugs (fentanyl and sufentanil)
    --> Faster uptake into spinal cord
  • Low lipid-solubility drugs (e.g. morphine)
    --> More drugs remain in CSF
    --> More to be transferred to more cephalad location

Bulk flow of CSF

... is the mechanism of cephalad movement of opioids in CSF

  • From lumbar, CSF moves to:
    * Cisterna magna in 1-2 hours
    * 4th and lateral ventricles in 3-6 hours
  • Accelerated by coughing or straining
  • Unaffected by body position

Side effects of neuraxial opioids

4 main side-effects of neuraxial opioids

  1. Pruritus
  2. Nausea and vomiting
  3. Respiratory depression
  4. Urinary retention


Other side effects include:

  • Sedation/CNS excitation
  • Viral reactivation
    * Cold sores
  • Neonatal morbidity
  • Sexual dysfunction
    * In young male volunteers, sustained erection and inability to ejaculate
  • Ocular dysfunction
    * Miosis, nystagmus, vertigo
    * Especially with neuraxial morphine
  • GIT dysfunction
    * Delayed gastric emptying
  • Thermoregulatory dysfunction
    * Inhibition of shivering
    --> Decrease in core temperature
  • Water retention
    * Oligouria due to release of ADH stimulated by cephalad migration of opioids
  • Spinal cord damage from toxic preservatives



  • Most common side effect with neuraxial opioids
    * Most cases are mild
    * 1% has severe pruritus
  • Incidence may or may not be dose-dependent
  • More likely with obstetric patients
    * Possible interaction between oestrogen and opioid receptors


  • More likely localised to face, neck, and upper thorax.
    * Can also be generalised
  • Occurs within a few hours
    * May precede onset of analgesia

Mechanism of action

  • Histamine-release is NOT the mechanism of pruritus
  • Pruritus is likely due to cephalad migration of opioids in CSF and subsequent interaction with opioid receptors in trigeminal nucleus

Treatment of pruritus

  • Naloxone is effective in relieving opioid-induced pruritus
  • Antihistamine may also be effective due to its sedative effects

Respiratory depression

  • Most reliable clinical signs of ventilation depression is depressed level of consciousness
    * ? Due to hypercarbia

Incidence of respiratory depression

  • After neuraxial opioids, incidence of ventilatory depression requiring intervention
    = 1%
    * Same as after IV or IM

Early depression of ventilation

  • Within 2 hours
  • Most cases involve fentanyl or sufentanil
    * Unlikely to occur with intrathecal morphine
  • Most likely due to systemic absorption of the lipid-soluble opioids

Delayed depression of ventilation

  • Occurs after 2 hours
  • All cases involve morphine
  • Due to cephalad migration of morphine in CSF
    --> Action on opioid receptors in the ventral medulla
  • Delayed respiratory depression due to neuraxial morphine
    * Characteristically occurs 6-12 hours after intrathecal or epidural administration
    * Not reported to occur more than 24 hours after administration

Risk factors for respiratory depression

  • Coughing
    --> Increased intrathoracic pressure
    --> Increased CSF cephalad migration
    --> Increased risk
  • Concomitant IV opioid or sedative
  • High opioid dose
  • Low lipid solubility
  • Lack of opioid tolerance
  • Advanced age



  • Obstetric patients are at LESS risks
    --> Possible increased stimulation to ventilatory drive due to progesterone

Urinary retention


  • Incidence varies widely and most common in young males
  • More common after neuraxial, than with IV/IM
  • Incidence is NOT dose-dependent


  • Epidural morphine causes marked detrusor muscle relaxation within 15 minutes
    --> Persists up to 16 hours
    * Reversed by naloxone

Mechanism of action

  • Urinary retention is NOT related to systemic absorption
  • Opioid acting on opioid receptors in the sacral spinal cord
    --> Promotes inhibition of sacral parasympathetic nervous system outflow
    --> Detrusor muscle relaxation + Increased bladder capacity
    --> Urinary retention


Other side effects of neuraxial opioids


  • ... is dose-related
  • Most common after neuraxial sufentanil
  • Must also consider respiratory depression as a cause for sedation


CNS excitation

Tonic skeletal muscle rigidity

  • Resembles seizures
  • Occurs after large IV doses of opioid
  • Rare after neuraxial opioids


  • True seizures has been induced in animals but not in humans
    * Most likely due to cephalad migration of opioids in CSF
    --> Interaction with non-opioid receptors in brainstem or basal ganglia

Viral reactivation

Epidural morphine in obstetric patients
--> Reactivation of herpes simplex labialis (2-5 days after administration)

  • Occurs in the same sensory innervations
    * Usually in the facial area innervated by trigeminal nerve
  • Mechanism:
    * Cephalad migration of morphine in CSF
    --> Interacts with trigeminal nucleus