3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
 3.1.2. Statistics 



===== Tutorial stuff =====


Risk ratio = occurrence in exposed group / occurrence in non-exposed group




Odds ratio = odds in exposed group / odds in non-exposed group



Lung cancer No cancer
Smoker a b
Nonsmoker c d


Odds ratio = ad/bc
* ((a/b)/(c/d))
* i.e.

Risk ratio = (a/(a+b)) / (c/(c+d))
* i.e. chance of getting lung cancer in smokers / chance of getting lung cancer in non-smokers


Strong association

Temporal relationship

Biological reason?



RR only tells association, NOT causation.


NNT = 1 / absolute risk reduction



Questions to ask in EBM

1. Formulate question

2. Search evidence

3. Assess level of evidence

4. Apply to patients

5. Self-assessment


Levels of evidence

Level 1 - meta-analysis

Level 2 - randomised controlled trials

Level 3 - other well conducted experimental studies

Level 4 - expert panels



subject to publication bias


studies may have different questions, duplications, different designs