3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
              3.1.4. Physiology
         GIT physiology Stomach 




  • Acid is secreted from gastric parietal cells by a proton pump
  • Endogenous secretagogues (which stimulate acid secretion)
    * Histamine (acting on H2 receptors)
    * Acetylcholine
    * Gastrin
  • Prostaglandin E2 and I2:
    * Inhibit acid secretion
    * Stimulate mucus and bicarbonate secretion
    * Dilate mucosal blood vessels






Parietal cells secretes HCl acid and intrinsic factors

Chief cells secrete pepsinogen


Parasympathetic = from vagus

Sympathetic = from celiac plexus


G cells in antrum secretes gastrin




Secretion of gastric acid

When parietal cells are stimulated

  • Insertion of H-K ATPase pump into the luminal membrane
    --> Exposure to K+ in stomach
    --> H+ is pump into stomach and K+ is taken into cell
  • Cl- diffuse into stomach by channels activated by cAMP
  • HCO3 diffuse out of basolateral membrane via HCO3-Cl antiporter
  • K diffuse back into lumen or into blood
  • Carbonic anhydrase present



Gastric acid secretion


Stimulated by

  • Histamine
    * via H2 receptors
    * Increasing cAMP via Gs protein
  • ACh
    * via M3 muscarinic receptors
    * Increase intracellular [Ca2+]
  • Gastrin
    * (Direcly) Increase intracellular [Ca2+]
    * (Indirectly, mainly) Stimulation of histamine release by ECL cells

Inhibited by

  • Prostaglandins, especially E series
    * Via activating Gi proteins
    * e.g. PGE2
  • Secretin
  • Others: GIP VIP

ECL cells

Gastrin also acts by stimulating histamine secretion from enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells)

ECL cells have ACh receptors in addition to gastrin receptors

ECL cells are inhibited by somatostatin


Regulation of acid secretion

Neural and humoral

Vagal stimulation
--> Release gastrin-releasing peptide
--> Increase gastrin secretion

Some vagal fibres
--> Release ACh
--> Direct stimulation
--> Increase acid and pepsin secretion


Cephalic influences

Presence of food in mouth
--> Reflex stimulation

Efferent fibre = vagus nerve

Responsible for 1/3 to 1/2 of acid secreted in response to a normal meal


Fear and depression decrease secretion

Anger and hostility increase secretion


Gastric influences

Receptors in the walls of stomach and mucosa respond to

  1. Stretch
  2. Chemical stimuli

Thus acid responses are by local reflex only

Products of protein digestion also increase secretion of gastrin


Intestinal influence

Fats, carbohydrates, and acid in the duodenum inhibits gastric acid and pepsin secretion and gastric motility
* via neural and hormonal mechanisms


Other influences

Hypoglycemia acts via brain and vagal efferent to stimulate acid and pepsin secretion

Alcohol and caffeine act directly on mucosa to stimulate acid production



  • Food rich in carbohydrate leaves stomach in a few hours
  • Protein-rich food leaves more slowly
  • Fat-rich food = slowest



Other functions of stomach

Intrinsic factors binds to cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)
--> Complex taken up by cubilin (apolipoprotein in receptors in distal ileum)
--> Endocytosis
--> In ileal enterocytes, cyanocobalamin transferred to transcobalamin II
--> Plasma