3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
         SAQs Fluid and electrolyte 

Fluid & electrolyte physiology


10 Questions


  1. Describe how the body detects and responds to a water deficit. (01A7)
  2. Outline the determinants and regulation of extracellular fluid volume. (01A1)
  3. In the diagram below indicate how the solvent and solute move a cross a semipermeable membrane and give a brief explanation of the principles involved. (96A7)
  4. Outline the effects of IV administration of 500 mls of 20% mannitol, and the potential problems associated with its use. (95B5)
  5. Explain how a metabolic alkalosis develops in an adult patient with a small bowel obstruction and nasogastric losses in excess of 1000ml per day for 5 days. Give a brief account of the physiological principles determining fluid replacement. (1995)
  6. Outline the effects of a rapid injection of 100mls of hypertonic Iodine containing angiography contrast medium in an otherwise healthy adult. (1994)
  7. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic colloids and SPPS in volume replacement. (1994)
  8. Write short notes on serum calcium. (1992)
  9. Write short notes on osmoreceptors. (1992)
  10. Write short notes on the regulation of calcium. (1990)