3. Old stuff
 3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005) 

Study notes


Current topics to be working on

Current plan:

Read all of the SH handbook

Re-read all of the SH handbook

Do notes on computer (TAKE HOME NOTES ONLY, not meant to be exhausive)

Draw diagrams in the book

Read the big Stoelting

Also need to do

Read Pack and Hill

Make cards


Go through syllabus

Topics in near future

  • Local
  • Sympathomimetics
  • Adrenergic agonist

Topics to be done... eventually

Other notes


Step 1: Read all the necessary texts. Quick review after reading them.

Step 2: Review the texts quickly.

Step 3: Make notes at any time, but small topics only.


  • More details can be added later
    --> If time allows, these notes should be complete and detailed
  • But in the interest of time efficiency
    --> Remember not to make the notes too complete or detailed. (Take home messages only)
  • If notes end up being to detailed, or the topic is very important
    --> Do a WRITTEN summary and scan for archive

Notation used

  • => "thus", "causes" (must have a causal relationship)
  • --> "followed by" (may not or may not have causal relationship)
  • (???) - unsure (need to verify later)
    * when textbook is unclear or from memory/unreliable source
    * e.g. ????A cause B
  • ????
  • @@ - to be added later
    * e.g. @@ neurology
  • ## - reference to handwritten notes/charts
    * e.g. ##20050101
  • [] - for textbook/source reference
    * e.g. [WG22:p50]


  • In all CvO2, PvO2, etc, v should have a bar over it, denoting "mixed venous".
  • Celcius are just C. Cannot use the little circle without using fancy fonts.

Pictures used

  1. Pix - scan in PNG at 300dpi, BW
  2. Convert to jpg, then resize to 750 width (use XnView, in 2 steps)
  3. Save the original png and the final resize
  4. Resized version used in these notes
  5. Original for archive

2 types of scanned pictures

  • Figures/graphs/illustrations
    --> May not need updating
  • Summaries
    --> May be frequent updated
    * Standalone