3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology Metabolism and Nutrition 

Metabolism and Nutrition



calcium, vit D





skeletal muscles

at rest or light exercise, muscles use FFA as energy source

When intensity goes up, glucose (from blood or from glycogen breakdown) starts getting consumed

Glycogen is another source of energy during exercise



Cardiac muscles source of energy


Aerobic metabolism only

<1% provided by anaerobic metabolism

At rest

Caloric requirements are met by

  • Carbohydrate = 35%
  • Ketone and amino acids = 5%
  • Fat = 60%


  • Varies with nutritional state
  • Uptake of glucose by myocardium is increased by insulin
    * But insulin is not a requirement

Other situations

  • When glucose ingested, more lactate and pyruvate are used
  • During prolonged starvation
    * More fat (>50% are FFA) is used