3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology Maternal and foetal 

foetal circulation





Before birth

Umbilical vessels

Umbilical vein x 1

Umbilical arteries x 2




Maternal and foetal


Uterine flow = 600mL/min

Maternal [Hb] = 120g/L

p50 = 26.6mmHg


Uterine blood flow = 500-750mL/min

85% of uterine blood flow goes to placenta

Foetal capillaries

Umbilical flow = 300mL/min

Foetal [Hb] = 170g/L

p50 = 18-20mmHg

Umbilical artery

pO2 = 18mmHg

Umbilical vein

pO2 = 28mmHg





Respiratory parameters: Neonate vs adult


Neonate vs adult
Neonate Adult units
Dead space 2.2 2.2 mL/kg
Tidal volume 7 7 mL/kg
Vd/Vt 0.3 0.3 mL/kg
Alveolar ventilation 120-140 60-70 mL/kg/min
RR 30-40 10-15 breath/min
I:E 1 1.5
FRC 30 30 mL/kg
Specific compliance 0.05 0.05 /cmH2O
Oxygen consumption 6-7 3-3.5 mL/kg/min

NB: Foetal oxygen consumption at term = 5 mL/kg/min



Physiological anaemia of pregnancy


During pregnancy,

Blood volume increase by 40 to 45% by term

Plasma volume increase by 50% by term

--> Hemodilution

--> Physiological anaemia of pregnancy


  • RBC volume increase by 250mL (18%) without iron supplementation
  • RBC volume increase by 450mL (30%) with iron supplementation