3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.4. Clinical measurement
             Gas analysis
                 Other techniques Capnograph 


... graphical measurement of CO2 versus time

Measurement options

  • Mass spectrometry
  • Photoacoustic infrared
  • Raman scattering

Most common: infrared absorption spectroscopy


  • Interference from other gases
  • Response time of the machine


  • Water vapour is strong absorber of IR. All samples need to be dried prior to analysis.
  • CO2 absorbs IR at 4300nm, which is close to peak absorption of N2O and CO (around 4500nm)
  • Collision broadening

Response time

Consists of transit time and rise time

Transit time (lag time)

... is time for gas to reach sensor

  • Can be in seconds

Depends on

  • Sampling flow rate
  • Diameter of sampling tube
  • Length of sampling tube
  • Presence of filter
  • Respiratory rate
Rise time

... time for analyzer to respond to an input signal

  • Normally in milliseconds


4 phases of capnograph

  1. Inspiratory - baseline
  2. Expiratory upstroke - consists of dead space gas and early CO2 output
    * slope is an indication of dead space volume
  3. Alveolar plateau - exhalation of alveolar gas
  4. Inspiratory downslope - beginning of next inspiration

End-tidal CO2

  • End-tidal pCO2 is normally 2-5 mmHg lower than PaCO2.
  • The size of the difference is an index of the amount of alveolar dead space present
    [Ref: KB2:p270]
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