3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.4. Clinical measurement
             Gas analysis
                 Oxygen-specific Pulse oximeter 

Pulse oximeter

Developed by Japanese engineer Takuo Aoyagi in 1972


  1. OxyHb absorbs less red light and more infrared light than deoxyHb.
  2. Of all light-absorbing substances, only arterial blood is pulsatile
  3. Application of Beer-Lambert law

2 different wavelengths used:

  • 660nm (red light)
  • 940nm (infrared light)


  • Negligible amount of metHb and carboxyHb
  • Only arterial blood is pulsatile and contains HbO2


  • 2 photodiodes
  • 1 photodetector
  • Diodes are switched on one at a time, then both off.
    * on/off, off/on, off/off
    * Sequence at ~500Hz
    * When both diodes are off, ambient light may be detected and compensated for.

Linking to saturation

ac --> pulsatile component

dc --> fixed component

R = (ac660/dc660)/(ac940/dc940)

  • Calibration curve links R to SpO2
    * based on experimental data
  • When R = 1, SpO2=85%


Functional saturation vs fractional saturation

Pulse oximeter measure only the functional SpO2

  • Fractional saturation
    = OxyHb / (DeoxyHb + OxyHb + MetHb + COHb)
  • Functional saturation
    = OxyHb / (DeoxyHb + OxyHb)


  • Saturation does NOT include dissolved oxygen


+/-2% for 70-100% range

+/-5% for 50-70% range

No equally accurate at low SpO2


  • Measures functional saturation only
    * Pulse oximeters which use only two diodes do not compensate fully for carboxyhaemoglobin or other abnormal haemoglobin.
  • Not equally accurate at low oxygen saturation
  • Excessive compression of digits

Source of error

  • Venous pulsation (e.g. in tricuspid incompetence) may be falsely detected as arterial.
  • Variability between sensors
    * Less accuracy with absolute values
    * Should not affect changes in SpO2 (i.e. trend)
  • Fluorescent ambient light with flicker close to harmonic of diodes.
  • Movement artefact
    * movement
    * shivering
  • Compression of digits
    --> Inadequate signals for analysis
  • Presence of different species of Hb or other substances (see below)

Effects of species of Hb

Carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb)
  • At 660nm, taken to be oxyHb
  • At 940nm, no effect (almost no IR absorption)
  • Thus,
    --> saturation overestimated
Methaemoglobin (MetHb)
  • At 660nm, taken to be deoxyHb
  • At 940nm, taken to be oxyHb
  • Thus,
    --> add to both numerator and denominator
    --> making R closer to 1
    --> making the measured SpO2 closer to 85%
Other species
  • Foetal haemoglobin (HbF)
  • Sickle cell (HbS)
  • SulphHb

--> All make little to no difference to measurement

Effects of other substances

  • Methylene blue - decrease in measured SpO2
  • Bilirubin - no effect
  • Indigo carmine - little effect
  • Dark skin - no effect
  • Indocyamine green - decrease in measured SpO2
  • Nail polish - decrease in measured SpO2
  • Anaemia - exaggerate desaturation readings
    * But still can be accurate at Hb as low as 23 g/L

Other notes

Isobestic points

Wavelengths at which radiation absorbance for the 2 forms of haemoglobin are identical

At 590nm and 805nm
--> oxyHb and deoxyHb have the same absorption

At isobestic point, absorbance depends only on the haemoglobin concentration, not on the species.

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