3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Muscle structure Smooth muscles 

Smooth muscles

[Ref: WG21:Chp3,p583]


  • Visceral type
    * syncytial
    * e.g. walls of hollow viscera, arteriole
  • Multi-unit type
    * nonsyncytial
    * contraction more fine and localised
    * e.g. iris


Differences (visceral vs skeletal)


  • Not arranged in regular arrays
    --> striation absent
  • Contains tropomyosin, but no troponin
  • No fast Na+ channels
  • Sarcoplasmic reticulum poorly developed (but still plays a role in contraction/relaxation)
  • Lacks transverse tubules
  • Smaller number of myosin
  • Few mitochondria
  • Mainly glycolysis


  • Membrane potential unstable
  • No true resting value of Vm
    * i.e. No true RMP


  • Syncytial
    * like cardiac muscles
    * via gap junctions
  • No voluntary control
  • More sensitive to circulating chemical mediators
  • Spontanenous electrical activity
  • Contracts spontaneously when stretched
  • Continuous, irregular contraction independent of nerve supply


  • Lag between stimulation and contraction
    * No close excitation-contraction coupling
  • Myosin must be phosphorylated for activation of the myosin ATPase
  • Plasticity
    * Variability of tension at any given length
    * No strict correlation between tension and length

Excitation-contraction coupling (???? Visceral only)

[WG21:Chp3 - visceral smooth muscles]


Binding of acetylcholine to muscarinic receptors

--> Increased Ca2+ influx
* Primarily from ECF via voltage-gated and ligand-gated Ca2+ channels
* Predominantly ligand-gated Ca2+ channels in the sarcolemma

--> Ca2+ binds to calmodulin

--> Ca2-calmodulin complex activates calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)

--> MLCK catalyze phosphorylation of myosin light chain

--> Myosin light chain activated

--> Actin slides on myosin

--> Contraction



  • In skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles, contraction is triggered by binding of Ca2+ to troponin C
  • cAMP causes relaxation of smooth muscles (due to inhibition of MLCK)
  • In contrast, cAMP increases contractility of cardiac muscles



Myosin is dephosphorylated by myosin light chain phosphatase

--> Relaxation does not necessarily occur

Other mechanisms are involved in relaxation

Myosin light chain phosphatase is inhibited when phosphorylated, and activated when dephosphorylated

Latch bridge mechanism

Myosin cross-bridge remain attached to actin after cytoplasmic [Ca2+] falls

--> Contraction is often tonic


Vascular smooth muscles

Ganong [WG21:p582]

In Ganong, it seems to be suggesting vascular smooth muscles and visceral smooth muscles are slightly different.

Also that SR plays an important role in relaxation.


Ca2+ influx from ECF via voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

--> Diffuse increase in intracellular [Ca2+]

--> Contraction initiated


Ca2+ influx also triggers Ca2+ release from SR via ryanodine receptors

--> High local [Ca2+]

--> Activates Ca2+-activated K+ channels (Big K or BK)

--> Increase K+ efflux via BK channels

--> Increase Vm

--> Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel closed

--> Relaxation

Berne and Levy [BL8:p178-179]

In Berne and Levy, it seems to be suggesting that:

  • SR is also important
  • Ca2+ released by SR causes contraction
    * i.e. Not relaxation via BK channels
  • Release of Ca2+ from SR is via IP3
    * Not via ryanodine receptors

Thus, the sequence of events is:

Agonist activates a receptor in the vascular smooth muscle membrane

--> Activation of phospholipase C via Gq-protein

--> PIP2 --> DAG + IP3

--> IP3 causes release of Ca2+ from SR

--> Contraction via Calmodulin, MLCK, etc

Relaxation is by reduction of [Ca2+]


Effect of ANS

[WG21: p84-85]

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Vm more negative

--> Decrease spike frequency

--> Relaxation


Stimulation of beta-adrenergic

--> Increased cAMP (probably due to increased intracellular [Ca2+] binding)

--> Inhibition of MLCK

--> Relaxation


Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic

--> Increased Ca2+ efflux (how????)

--> Contraction inhibited

Acetylcholine on visceral smooth muscles

Vm less negative

--> Increase phospholipase C and IP3

--> Increased intracellular [Ca2+]

--> Spikes more frequent

--> Increased tonic tension and rhythmic contraction


  • Parasympathetic stimulation tends to decrease vascular resistance, but they innervate only small fraction of the blood vessels