3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Respiratory Respiratory - Questions only 

Control of Respiration

  1. List physiological factors which increase respiratory rate. Include a brief explanation of the mechanism by which each achieves this increase (02B10)(1995)
  2. Write brief notes on breathlessness in exercise (1993)

Mechanics of breathing

  1. Describe the factors that affect lung compliance. (03A14, 1990)
  2. Describe the determinants of work of breathing in an adult human at rest. Explain how to minimise work of breathing. (01B2, 00A5, 1991)
  3. ???? Short notes on measurement of transpulmonary pressure. (1991)

Ventilation-perfusion inequalities

  1. Describe the gravity dependent processes which affect pulmonary blood flow. What changes take place when the pressure increases in the pulmonary vessels? (97A2)
  2. Compare the effect on arterial blood CO2 and O2 levels of ventilation/perfusion inequalities (1997)
  3. Define 'Venous Admixture'. Briefly explain how venous admixture influences arterial O2 tension and how an increase in inspired O2 concentration may affect this. (02A3) (95B1)

Gas Transport in the blood

  1. What is 2,3, DPG? How is it produced in the red blood cell and how does it interact with haemoglobin? What is its relevance in altitude exposure, stored blood and anaemia. (95A1) (1991)
  2. Explain how oxygen supply of organs is maintained during isovolaemic haemodilution (02A1)
  3. Describe the ways in which CO2 is carried in the blood (99B5)
    Describe the role of haemoglobin in the carriage of carbon dioxide in the blood (97A3)
  4. Explain the difference between perfusion limitation and diffusion limitation in the transfer of gas between alveolus and pulmonary capillary. Outline the factors that determine whether gas transfer is perfusion or diffusion limited. (03B12)
    Describe the factors that affect the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the alveolus to the blood. (99A3)
  5. List the normal values for mixed venous blood gases and briefly explain the factors determining mixed venous oxygen tension.(1996)
    Briefly describe the factors that influence the partial pressure of oxygen in mixed venous blood (00A2)
    What factors influence the mixed venous CO2 tension. Briefly explain how these factors exert their influence. (1993)
  6. Briefly explain how an oxygen debt arises and how the body deals with it (96B8)

Pulmonary gas volumes and ventilation

  1. Describe the factors that affect airways resistance. (99B3, 03B13)
  2. A. Draw an expiratory flow volume curve for a forced expiration from total lung capacity. Describe its characteristics in people with normal lungs, as well as those with obstructive and restrictive lung disease (00B3)
    B. Draw a respiratory flow/volume loop and outline how it is obtained. Briefly explain the physiological mechanisms involved in the concept of flow limitation. (96B6)
    C. Draw a flow/volume curve for a maximum forced expiration in a person with healthy lungs from: (a) Total lung capacity; (b) Function Residual capacity. Explain your curves. (98A2)
  3. Briefly describe the potential causes of a difference between measured end-tidal and arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (03B11) (96B7)
    What is the end tidal CO2? How does it differ from arterial CO2 tension and the mixed expired CO2 tension? What factors influence its value? (1995)
  4. Write short notes on physiological dead space (1990)
  5. Explain the factors influencing the distribution of ventilation during the inhalation of 500ml of air from Functional Residual Capacity in the erect posture (97B7)

Applied respiratory physiology

  1. What are the physiological consequences of decreasing functional residual capacity by one litre in an adult? (01A8)
  2. Explain the effects of intermittent positive pressure ventilation on left ventricular output. (98A1)(01B1)(96B3)
  3. Explain briefly how oxygenation of organs can be maintained during isovolaemic haemodilution. (96B5)