3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Renal handling of sodium, chloride and water Medullary osmotic gradient 

Medullary osmotic gradient

Final concentration of urine in the collecting ducts rely on the medullary osmotic gradient



Medullary osmotic gradient is produced by

  • Active sodium transport by thick ascending limb from lumen into interstitium
  • Low blood flow countercurrent mechanism
    * (of vasa recta)
  • Recycling of urea
    * Between medullary collecting ducts and deep portions of loop of Henle


Rich blood supply (peritubular capillaries)

--> Solutes reabsorbed from lumen do not accumulate in interstitium


Lower blood supply

--> Solutes can accumulate in interstitium

Countercurrent exchange system of the vasa recta

--> Preservation of osmotic gradient

Active sodium transport causes the hyperosmolality

Recycling of urea

Diffusion (i.e. resorption) of urea out of lumen into interstitium contribute to medulla osmolality

  • Urea contribute about half of medullary osmolality
  • Sodium chloride contribute the other half



ADH increases water permeability in cortical AND medullary collecting duct

ADH also increases urea resorption by

  • Increasing urea concentration in lumen
  • Increasing permeability in the inner medullary collecting duct
    * By increasing urea uniporter

--> Allows recycling of urea

--> Increase medullary osmotic gradient

Inner medulla

Inner medullary collecting ducts has finite water permeability

When ADH is absent

--> Osmotic gradient in MCD (between lumen and interstitium) is large

--> Increased water reabsorption in MCD
* In contrast to cortical and outer medullary collecting ducts


Interstitial osmolality in inner medulla is reduced by

  • Increased water reabsorption
  • Decreased urea reabsorption

--> Kidney's ability to concentrate urine is reduced


  • Osmolality can be reduced to half of the level when ADH is maximal