3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.7. Disease
 Atrial fibrillation 

Atrial fibrillation

A. Presentation

Palpitation (rapid irregular rhythm)

Weakness, faint, breathlessness

May present with signs and symptoms of systemic embolism


B. Investigation



Rule out other causes
  • Thyrotoxicosis ---> thyroid function test
  • Alcohol toxicity
  • Chest infection

C. Treatment

Anticoagulation therapy

Use heparin (short term) or warfarin (for long term)

When using warfarin, target INR range = 2~3


If the patient has sustained non-valvular AF but without any of the following risk factors

  • Previous thromboembolism
  • Hypertension
  • Heart failure
  • Female >75

     ---> Use aspirin instead of warfarin/heparin (reduced benefit but much reduced risk of side effect)


Conversion therapy

Anticoagulation therapy with heparin or warfarin should start before elective cardioversion (unless AF is <24 hours in duration)


Pharmacological cardioversion

Sotalol (?III, also a beta-blocker) OR

Fecainide (Ic) OR

Amiodarone (III)


If drug conversion fails, try synchronized electrical cardioversion.


D. Other notes

[epidemilogy/risk factors/
followups/prognosis/prognostic factors/prevention]

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