3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.7. Disease
 Epilepsy - Presentation 

- Presentation

Features to note on history (regarding the attack)

  • Preceding aura
  • Abrupt or gradual onset
  • Progression of motor activity
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Activity ?generalised ?symmetrical
  • Duration
  • Any post-ictal confusion or lethargy
  • Any recollection of the attack


Features to note on other history

  • History of epilepsy, usual pattern
  • Change in medication
  • Compliance with medication
  • Other precipitating factors:
       * Sleep deprivation
       * Alcohol withdrawal
       * Infection
       * Use or cessation of drug/medications
  • History of head injury
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Headache


Features to note on physical examination

  • Look for and exclude signs of raised intracranial pressure
  • May see Todd's paralysis following a simple or complex focal seizure
    -> Todd's paralysis: transient, focal neurological deficits, occurring after a seizure, that resemble a stroke but resolve spontaneously within 48 hours.
  • Do neurological examination
  • Note any injury that may cause or be caused by the seizure


Features that distinguish seizures from other attacks

  • Abrupt onset and termination
       * Most seizure last 1-2 minutes
       * Focal seizures can be preceded by auras that last >20 seconds
  • Lack of recall, except for simple partial seizures
  • Movements or behaviour during the attack generally are purposeless or inappropriate
  • Most seizures, except for absence seizures or simple partial seizures, are followed by a period of post-ictal confusion and lethargy


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