3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.9. Protocol Antenatal blood screening 

Antenatal blood tests

At first antenatal visit


  • Hgb
  • PVC (haematocrit)
  • MCV and MCH (esp Asian, African, Southern European, to detect thalassaemia)
  • ABO and Rhesus group.
  • Rhesus antibodies
  • VDRL (to exclude syphilis)
  • Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAG)
  • Antirubella antibodies
  • ? HIV antibodies
  • ? TFT
  • ? EBV, CMV, VZV
  • ? B12, folate, ferritin
  • ? GTT


Vaginal smear

Need to treat bacterial vaginosis - due to increased risk of preterm labour.

Bacterial vaginosis is not common after 16 weeks -> give metronidazole if necessary)






Subsequent antenatal visits

Rhesus-negative women - rhesus antibody test at 28 and 36 weeks.

Hgb: check between 32-36 weeks



Antenatal visits:

  • Every 4 weeks up to 28th week.
  • Every 2 weeks up to 36th week.
  • Every week until delivery

Every visit, check

  • Foetal movement
  • Foetal heart
  • BP
  • Urine protein
  • Fundal height


Things to revise/add later:

Bibliography: O&G Llewellyn-Jones


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