3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology Viva questions 

Viva questions


  • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
  • Titratable acidity
  • Buffers


  • Determinants of myocardial O2 demand and supply
  • Myocardial contractility
  • CVP/RAP trace
  • LV pressure time curve
  • LV pressure volume loop
  • Coronary artery blood flow
  • Oxygen flux
  • Circulatory changes at birth
  • Pressure trace right atrium to wedge
  • PCWP as an estimate of LV preload
  • Afterload, preload
  • Myocyte action potential
  • Starling law of the heart
  • Radial artery vs aortic waveform
  • Radial artery waveform changes with age
  • ?? Autoregulation
  • Cardiac function curves
  • Cerebral blood flow
  • Cerebral blood flow measurement
  • Comparison of pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances
  • Resistance in fluid system
  • Haemorrhage (include temporal)
  • ?? Venous return curves
  • Guyton's curves
  • Coronary sinus pO2
  • Valsalva manoeuvre
  • Effects of IPPV and PEEP
  • Lymph (formation and flow)
  • Head-down tilt - effect on ICP
  • Coronary artery flow curves
  • ECG label
  • Wigger's diagram


  • Resting membrane potential
  • Krebs cycle
  • Transmembrane transport
  • Nernst equation


  • Effects of insulin
  • Control of blood glucose
  • Thyroid hormone (synthesis, action)
  • Hormones released by the thyroid
  • Pancreatic hormones
  • alpha, beta, Ach, Histamine receptors

Fluid and electrolyte

  • RMP
  • ANP
  • Mole/osmole/osmolality measurement
  • Osmosis
  • Colloid osmotic pressure
  • Colligative properties
  • 1/3 blood volume loss
  • Calcium (function and regulation)
  • Iron (distribution in body)
  • Iodine metabolism
  • Water homeostasis
  • Composition of Hartmann's solution


  • Dietary fat, protein, carbohydrate handling
  • Bile and its loss
  • Gastric secretion
  • Pancreatic secretions
  • Function of liver
  • Gastric emptying
  • Mechanism preventing gastro-oesophageal reflux
  • Lower oesophageal sphincter


  • Haemoglobin structure and synthesis
  • Coagulation
  • What stops blood clotting
  • Blood groups
  • Crossmatching
  • Von Willebrand's factor
  • Hypersensitivity/Anaphylaxis
  • Changes in stored blood
  • Complement cascade
  • Effects of massive transfusion
  • Difference between plasma and serum
  • Composition of fresh frozen plasma
  • Content of a unit of pack cells
  • Fibrinolysis


  • O2 transfer at placenta
  • Cardiovascular changes at birth
  • Respiratory changes at birth
  • Cardiovascular changes during pregnancy
  • Respiratory changes during pregnancy
  • Endocrine changes during pregnancy
  • Placenta anatomy


  • Metabolism, aerobic vs anaerobic
  • Glycolysis, glycogenolysis, and gluconeogenesis
  • Starvation


  • Different tyeps of muscles
  • Describe a sarcomere


  • Blood brain barrier
  • CSF composition, production and absorption
  • Pain sensation
  • ICP
  • Monro-Kellie doctrine
  • GABA receptors in CNS
  • EEG waveforms
  • Sleep


  • Countercurrent system
  • GFR; Starling forces
  • Renal handling of bicarbonate
  • Renal response in metabolic alkalosis/acidosis
  • Renal concentrating/diluting ability
  • Range of urine osmolalities
  • Excretion of fixed acids
  • ADH
  • Total body water and measurement
  • Free water clearance
  • Effects of increased renal blood flow on GFR
  • Renal blood flow
  • Renal handling of potassium
  • Function of kidney
  • Tubular fluid osmotic chnges along the nephron
  • Renal handing of glucose
  • Renal handling of water balance


  • Dead space, types and measurement
  • Hypoxia, definition and classification
  • Compliance (inc. static vs dynamic compliance)
  • Pulmonary vascular resistance
  • Effects of breathing high inspired CO2
  • Ideal alveolar equation
  • Altitude
  • Effects of breathing low FiO2
  • Oxygen cascade
  • PaO2 and changes with age
  • Work of breathing
  • Diffusion
  • Spirograph
  • PEFR (?? peak expiratory flow rate)
  • Airway resistance
  • Flow volume loops
  • Blood gases, acute respiratory acidosis
  • Shunt/venous admixture
  • CO2 carriage
  • Oxygen carriage
  • Alveolar-arterial gradient for oxygen
  • Blood gas interpretation
  • BMR/MRO2
  • Causes of low PaO2
  • Chemoreceptors, central and peripheral
  • Control of ventilation
  • Continuous positive airway pressure
  • Haldane effect
  • Hypoxia (classification and causes)
  • Lung volumes
  • Occluded left main bronchus
  • Occluded left pulmonary artery
  • Oxygen stores
  • Resistance to breathing
  • Respiratory quotient
  • Respiratory effect of morbid obesity
  • Shunt
  • Surfactant
  • Surface tension
  • V/Q mismatch
  • Distribution of pO2, pCO2, pH, and V/Q in the upright lung
  • Venous admixture
  • Effects of supine position
  • Closing capacity
  • Regional variations in ventilation
  • Static compliance
  • A-a gradient
  • ETCO2 waveforms
  • Effects of change in minute ventilation on CO2
  • Effect of change in inspired pressure on CO2
  • FRC and measurement
  • Expired volume vs time graph [WG21:p656]
  • Minute ventilation vs pCO2 and pO2
  • Systemic circulation vs pulmonary circulation



  • Mass spectrometer
  • Transducers
  • Wheatstone bridge
  • SI units
  • Flowmeters; types and principles
  • Impedance/resistor/inducer
  • Pneumotacograph
  • Humidity
  • Boiling point
  • Heat vs Temperature
  • Calibration of arterial lines
  • Capnography
  • Humidity
  • Measurement of blood pressure
  • Measurement of cardiac output
  • Measure of gas flow
  • Measurement of intracellular water
  • Measurement of osmolality
  • Measurement of temperature
  • Measurement of end-tidal CO2
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Cardiac output: invasive and non-invasive


  • Effect of tourniquet release
  • Effect of steep trendelenberg position
  • Hormones (definition, classification, secretion)
  • Reflexes
  • Thermoregulation
  • Thermoneutral zone
  • Causes of heat loss
  • Effect of 48 hour fast
  • Lactate production