3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Autonomic nervous system Effects of ANS stimulation 

Effects of ANS stimulation

Some organs the two system act against each other.

Most organs are dominately controlled by one of the systems (not both).


Sympathetic vs parasympathetic


  • Fight or flight response
  • Tend to fire as a complete system


  • Rest and digest response
  • Never discharges as a complete system


Sympathetic tone constricts systemic arterioles to about 1/2 of maximum diameter.

Parasympathetic tone maintains normal GIT motility.

Dual innervation

Most organs are innervated by both, but in most, one system dominate.

  • GIT - parasympathetic system dominate
  • Heart rate - parasympathetic system dominate

Some organs only have sympathetic innervation

  • Adrenal medulla
  • Kidney
  • Pilomotor muscles
  • Sweat glands


Sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation


Sympathetic stimulation

  • Pupillary dilation (alpha-1)
    - via contraction of radial dilator muscle of iris

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • Pupillary constriction
    - via contraction of sphincter muscle of the iris
  • Focusing of the lens
    - via contraction of ciliary muscle

Nasal, lacrimal, salivary, and GIT glands

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Vasoconstriction
  • Reduce rate of secretion
  • Secretions more concentrated with enzymes and mucus

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • Copious watery secretion

Sweat glands

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Secretion of large quantities of sweat

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • No effect

Apocrine glands

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Thick odoured secretion

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • No effect


Sympathetic stimulation

  • When strongly stimulated, inhibits peristalisis and increased tone of sphincters (alpha-1)

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • (dominant) Increases overall activity


Sympathetic stimulation

  • Dilation of trachea and bronchioles (beta-2)

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • Constriction of trachea and bronchioles
  • Increase in airway secretions


Sympathetic stimulation

  • Increases rate and contractility (beta-1)

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • (dominant) Decrease rate and contractility

Systemic blood vessels

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Vasoconstriction in GIT and skin (alpha-1)
  • Vasodilation in skeletal muscles (beta-2)


  • No effect

Arterial blood pressure

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Increase blood pressure (alpha-1, beta-1)
    (by both increasing in cardiac output and peripheral resistance)


  • Decrease blood pressure
    (smaller amount, by only decreasing cardiac output without changing peripheral resistance)

Urinary bladder

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Relaxation of detrusor muscle
  • Contraction of trigone and sphincter (alpha-1)

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • Contraction of detrusor muscle
  • Relaxation of trigone and sphincter

Genitalia - male

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Ejaculation

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • Erection

Genitalia - female

Sympathetic stimulation

  • Relaxation of uterus (beta-2)

Parasympathetic stimulation

  • ?no effect

Adrenal medulla

Sympathetic stimulation causes secretion of:

  • epinephrine (80%)
  • norepinephrine (20%)

which last 5-10 times longer than when released by sympathetic neurons.



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