3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
                 Electrical activity
                     Fast-response cardiac action potential Voltage-dependent sodium channel 

Voltage-dependent sodium channel

[Ref: BL5:chp3]

aka "Fast sodium channel"

@@ structure


Blocked by tetrodotoxin

2 gates

Both voltage dependent

m gates (activation gates)

  • Triggered when Vm reach about -65mV
  • Rapid opening (within 0.1-0.2ms)
  • Responsible for rapid sodium influx
    * i.e. Phase 0

h gates (inactivation gate)

  • Tends to close as Vm becomes less negative
  • Inactivation is exponential.
  • Initially Na+ influx slows down quickly, then more gradually.
  • Complete closure take >100ms
  • Stay closed until the cell has partially repolarised during phase 3



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