3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
         Renal Control of sodium and water excretion 

Control of sodium and water excretion


Short term BP control


(see Baroreceptors)

1. High pressure baroreceptors
* Send signal to vasomotor centre via sensory neural pathway

2. Cardiopulmonary baroreceptors


Sympathetic nerve system innervation of vessels

--> Vasoconstriction and venoconstriction


  • Value of the BP setpoint in the long term is determined by kidney, not vasomotor center


Intermediate-term BP regulation


1. Baroreceptors

BP changes in carotid and aortic artery

--> Signal input to vasomotor centre

--> Renal sympathetic nerve stimulation

--> beta1-adrenergic receptors on JG cells activated

--> cAMP increased (in JG cells)

--> Protein kinase A activated

--> Release of renin (from JG cells)


Alpha1-adrenergic receptors on JG cells are also stimulated
--> Afferent arteriole constriction
--> Decreased GFR and RBF
* However, most of this reduction is blunted by tubuloglomerular feedback

2. Intrarenal baroreceptor (deformation of JG cells)

BP changes in renal afferent arterioles

--> Changes in JG cell deformation

--> Release renin (from JG cells)


  • JG cells act both as a detector and effector
  • JG cells are not nerve cells
  • No vasomotor centre involvement

3. Macula densa cells of JGA

Monitor the amount of NaCl in the filtrate entering DCT

Which depends on:

  • Flow
    * i.e. Rate of filtration
  • Concentration
    * i.e. Rate of Na+ reabsorption

When amount of NaCl in the filtrate increases

--> Osmotic swelling of macula densa cells

--> Release of transmitter agent locally
* [WG21:p462] Possibly nitric oxide (NO)

--> Renin production from JG cells decrease




Renin release from JG cells

--> Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

--> Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II

--> Angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction

--> Reinforce vasoconstriction by sympathetic stimulation
* Slower onset (minutes)

Angiotensin II acts directly on JG cells to inhibit renin release

  • Negative feedback
  • Acts on AT1 receptors on JG cells
    --> Increase intracellular [Ca2+]
    --> Inhibition of renin release


  • ACE is in the endothelial cells of capillaries
    * Especially in lungs, but also in kidney

Long-term BP control

Kidney determines ECF volume (by controlling sodium and water)

--> Blood volume

--> Blood pressure

Thus, vasomotor centre is not involved in long term control