3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Regulation of respiration CNS centres 

CNS centers

3 centres that may influence respiration

  1. Respiratory centre
    * Most important
  2. Cortex
    * Can override respiratory centre to limited extent
  3. Others 
    * Limbic system and hypothalamus can alter patterns of respiration

Respiratory centre include:

  1. Medullary respiratory centre
    * Excitatory
    * Affects both inspiration and expiration
  2. Apneustic centre
    * Excitatory
    * Affects inspiration only
  3. Pneumotaxic centre
    * Inhibitory
    * Affects inspiration only


  • Output via phrenic nerve

1. Medullary respiratory centre


In reticular formation of medulla, beneath floor of 4th ventricle

Has 2 parts:

  1. Dorsal respiratory group
    * Excitatory
    * Inspiratory
  2. Ventral respiratory group
    * Excitatory
    * Expiratory
Dorsal respiratory group
  • Mainly associated with inspiratory
  • "May" have intrinsic periodic firing
    --> responsible for basic rhythm
  • Inhibited by pneumotaxic centre
  • Stimulated by apneustic centre
  • Also modulated by vagal (CN10) and glossopharyngeal (CN9)
Ventral respiratory group
  • Mainly for expiration
  • Not active during quiet breathing
  • During exercise, causes active expiration

2. Apneustic centre

Located in lower pons

Causes excitatory effect on dorsal respiratory group
--> Longer inspiration
--> Thus slower rate

3. Pneumotaxic centree

Located in upper pons

Inhibits dorsal respiratory group
--> shorten inspiration
--> thus faster (not slower) rate


  • Controlled respiratory rate
  • Located in medulla and pons (in the brain stem)
  • Output via phrenic nerve