3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
         Haematology Plasma protein 

Plasma proteins

[Ref: KB2:p188]

Major class of plasma proteins

  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • Fibrinogen


  • Alpha-1
  • Alpha-2
  • Beta
  • Gamma
    * Almost all gamma globulin class consists of immunoglobulins


Normal concentration

  • Normal concentration of plasma proteins
    = 50 to 80 g/L
  • Albumin
    = 45g/L
  • Globulin
    = 25 g/L
  • Fibrinogen
    = 3 g/L


  • Immunoglobulin
    = 10 to 15g of total globulins
    * IgG = 76%
    * IgA = 16%
    * IgM = 7%
    * IgE = very low
    * [PK1:p258]

Functions of plasm proteins

  • Oncotic pressure
  • Transport/carrier function
  • Acid-base balance
    * Buffer
    * CO2 transport
  • Proteolytic systems
    * Complement system
    * Kinin system
    * Coagulation system
    * Fibrinolytic system
  • Immune response
    * esp antibodies, cytokines
  • Enzyme activity
    * e.g. pseudocholinesterase
  • Metabolism
    * Provides amino acids for tissues for anabolic or catabolic purpose


  • Is a major component of plasma protein
    = 35-55g/L
  • Net albumin synthesis
    = 12 to 15 g/day
    = 25% of daily protein synthesis by liver
  • Is not a glycoprotein
    * Almost the only plasma protein that is not a glycoprotein
  • Intravascular half-life in circulation
    = 20 days
  • About 5% of albumin enters ISF from capillaries
    * Returns to circulation via the lymphatic system

Distribution of albumin

  • Intravascular = 40 to 50%
  • Extravascular = 50 to 60%

Main functions of albumin

  • Oncotic pressure
  • Transport/carrier function


  • Can also form carbamino compound with CO2
  • But quantitatively Hb is much more important
Albumin can bind to
  • Free fatty acid
  • Bilirubin
  • Calcium
  • Some hormones
    * e.g. cortisol, thyroxine
  • Copper
  • Drugs
    * Mostly acidic drugs
    * Basic drugs are mainly bound by alpha-1 acid glycoprotein


  • 585 amino acid residues
  • MW = 69000