3. Old stuff
          3.1. Old pharm stuff (pre 2009)
              3.1.1. Scrap Sympathomimetics 






Parasympathetic nervous system

Preganglionic fibres arise from

CN III, VII, IX, X (3, 7, 9, 10)
* Eye, salivary gland, heart, bronchi, upper GI (up to splenic flexure), ureters

Sacral fibres (S2-4)
* Distal blowel, bladder and genitals

Preganglionic fibres synapse with ganglia which are close to the effector organ
* Release ACh
* Act via nAChRs

Postganglionic fibres also release AChRs and receptors are also nAChRs


Sympathetic nervous system


Preganglionic fibres arise from lateral horns of the spinal cord from T1-L2

* Lateral horn
--> Anterior primary rami
--> White rami communicans
--> Sympathetic chain or ganglia

Once in sympathetic chain, the preganglionic fibre could
* Synapse at the same level
* Go to an adjacent level and synpase there
* Pass anteriorly through a splanchnic nerve to synapse in a prevertebral ganglion

Preganglionic fibres release ACh, which acts on nAChRs

Post-ganglionic fibres (unmyelinated) go into the adjacent spinal nerve via the grey rami

Post-ganglionic fibres
* Release noradrenaline
--> Acts on adrenergic receptors

Two special cases of the sympathetic nervous system:

Adrenal medulla
* Pre-ganglionic fibres synapse directly with chromaffin cells
--> Release adrenaline into circulation

Sweat gland
* Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibres which innervate sweat glands release ACh (instead of NE) as the neurotransmitter


ALL pre-ganglionic ANS (sympathetic and parasympathetic) fibres are
* Myelinated
* Release ACh
* Act on nAChRs






Naturally occurring catecholamine, synthetic agents, others


Naturally occurring catecholamine

adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine




Of the synthetic agents, only isoproterenol, dobutamine, dopexamine are classified as catecholamines because only they contant hydroxyl groups on 3- and 4- positions of the benzene ring




A direct-acting amine with specific alpha 1 agonist actions.

Similar effects to phenylephrine

?More pronounced reflex bradycardia

No longer in production




Long-acting beta2 agonist

15 times more potent than salbutamol at beta2, but 4 times LESS potent at beta1

Prevents release of histamine, leukotrienes, and prostaglandin D2 from mast cells

Some antiinflammatory actions

Other effects are similar to salbutamol



[James] [???]


If OH group present on C3 and C4 (i.e. a catecholamine) --> metabolise by COMT

Increasing size of amine group substitution --> Increased beta and decreased alpha activity

OH present on both C3 and C4 --> Increased alpha and beta activity (e.g. adrenaline)

OH on C3 and C5 with long amino chain substitution --> Beta2 activity

No OH on C4 --> alpha selective (e.g. phenylephrine)

Alpha methyl group --> Increase alpha selectivity

Levorotatory forms more active