3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
         Cardiovascular Regulatory mechanisms 

Regulation mechanisms

Long term vs short term BP control

Baroreceptor - short term adjustment

Kidney - Long term adjustment by fluid balance



--> Increase in HR


  • Inspiration
    --> Lung inflation
    --> Stimulation of lung stretch receptor
    --> Increase in HR
  • Inspiration
    --> Increase in venous return to atrium
    --> Stimulation of atrial stretch receptor
    --> Increase in HR
  • Inspiration
    --> Vasodilation and decrease in BP


In Berne and Levy [BL8:p193]

Inflation of lung
--> Increase in vagal activity
--> Inhibition of vasomotor area
--> Vasodilation and decrease in BP

But at the same time [BL8:p93]

Moderate inflation of lung
--> Lung stretch receptor
--> Increase HR via vagus nerves

?? If vasomotor area is inhibited, why increase in HR
--> ?? Maybe it's reflex tachycardia due to drop in BP

Traube-Hering waves

Fluctuations in blood pressure synchronized with respiration

--> Increase in sympathetic tone
--> BP increase
* [BL8:p185]


Special cases

In general, stimuli that increase HR also increase BP

However, exceptions are:

1. Increase ICP

Hypertension with bradycardia (and hypoventilation)

2. Stimulation of atrial stretch receptor

Hypotension with tachycardia

3. Stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors

Hypertension with bradycardia

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