3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Regulatory mechanisms Control of cardiac output 

Control of cardiac output


Cardiac output dependent on

  • Heart rate
  • Contractility
  • Preload
  • Afterload


  • Contractility and heart rate are strictly cardiac factors
  • Preload and afterload depends on both vascular and cardiac factors


Cardiac function curve

Shows how changes in right atrial pressure affects cardiac output


Vascular function curve

Shows how changes in cardiac output affects right atrial pressure


  • For vascular function curve, the axis are swapped so that the dependent variable (RAP) is on the x-axis.



Interaction of cardiac function curve and vascular function curve shows
--> the equilibrium cardiac output at a particular level of right atrial pressure (or central venous pressure)

In normal person, at equilibrium,

  • Cardiac output = 5L/min
  • Right atrial pressure = 2mmHg


Heart rate

In most cases (in normal persons)

When HR is between 100-200 [BL8:p217]

Changes in heart rate

--> Changes in preload, afterload, and contractility

--> Cardiac output is not changed significantly

Other notes


  • Central venous pressure = 4.6mmHg average
  • Antecubital vein pressure = 7.1mmHg


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