3. Old stuff
          3.2. Old physio stuff (around 2005)
              3.2.3. Physiology
             Pancreas - endocrine Insulin 


[Ref: WG21:p337-351]

Also see Carbohydrate metabolism


Insulin structure

  • 2 chains of amino acids linked by disulfide bridges
  • Pork insulin differs from human insulin by only one amino acid residue
    --> low antigenicity
  • Beef insulin results in low titers of antibodies after 2 months of usage in almost all recipients

Insulin synthesis and secretion

  • Synthesized in rough endoplasmic reticulum of B cells
  • Packeted in membrane bound granules at Golgi apparatus.
    * granules have "halo" (clear space between insulin packet and mumbrane-lined vesicle)
  • Encoded on short arm of chromosome 11
  • Connecting peptide (C peptide) facilitates the folding between A chain and B chains, but is detached in the granule before secretion.
    --> C peptide level can be measured as an index of B cell function
  • In B cells, insulin forms polymers and complex with zinc


  • Half-life of insulin in circulation
    = 5 minutes
  • Binds to receptors
    * Some internalised and destroyed by proteases in endosomes




[WG21:p340][See Glucose transporter]

GLUT-4 transporter in muscle and adipose tissue is stimulated by insulin

Normally it is stored in vesicles

When insulin receptors activated
--> Vesicles fuse
--> GLUT4 inserted into membrane
--> Glucose entry into cells

Some pool of GLUT4 are inserted in response to exercise
* Independent of insulin

Effects of insulin (summary)

1. Glucose

  • Increase glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissues
    * Via GLUT-4
  • Increase glucose uptake by liver
    * Via induction of glucokinase
    --> Increased phosphorylation
    --> Faster diffusion of free glucose
  • Decreased hepatic glucose output

2. Potassium

  • K+ entry into insulin-sensitive cells
    --> Reduction of ECF [K+]

3. Anabolic effect

  • Increase lipogenesis
  • Increase protein synthesis

Effects of insulin by time line


  • Increased transport into insulin-sensitive cells:
    * Glucose
    * Amino acid
    * K+

Intermediate (minutes)

  • Stimulation of protein synthesis
  • Inhibition of protein degradation
  • Activation of glycolytic enzymes and glycogen synthase
    --> Increased glucose usage and glycogen synthesis
  • Inhibition of phosphorylase and gluconeogenic enzymes
    --> Decreased gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown

Delayed (hours)

  • Increase in mRNA for lipogenic and other enzymes

Effects on insulin by tissues

Adipose tissue

  • Increased glucose entry
  • Increased fatty acid synthesis
  • Increased glycerol phosphate synthesis
  • Increased triglyceride deposition
  • Activation of lipoprotein lipase
    * Increasing triglyceride uptake from chylomicrons into adipose tissue
    * [WG21:p309,p345]
  • Inhibition of hormone-sensitive lipase
    * Decreasing FFA release from adipose tissue
  • Increased K+ uptake


  • Increased glucose entry
  • Increased glycogen synthesis
  • Increased amino acid uptake
  • Increased protein synthesis in ribosomes
  • Decreased protein catabolism
  • Decreased release of gluconeogenic amino acids
  • Increased ketone uptake
  • Increased K+ uptake


  • Decreased ketogenesis
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Increased lipid synthesis
  • Decreased glucose output, due to
    * Decreased gluconeogenesis
    * Decreased glycogen breakdown
    * Increased glycogen synthesis
    * Increased glycolysis


  • Increased cell growth

Mechanism of action


Insulin receptor

  • Tetramer
  • 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits
    * Synthesized on a single mRNA
    * Proteolytically separated
    * Coded on chromosome 19
  • Alpha subunits
    * Extracellular
    * Binds to insulin
  • Beta subunits
    * Span the membrane
    * Intracellular component have tyrosine kinase activity
  • Halflife of insulin receptors
    ~ 7 hours


  • Very similar to IGF-I receptor
    * But different from IGF-II receptor


Mechanism of action

Insulin binds to alpha subunits
--> Triggers tyrosine kinase activity of beta subunits
--> Autophosphorylation of the beta subunits
--> Triggers phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of various proteins



Normal amount
= 1U/hour, with increases after meals
= 40U/day

Factors affecting insulin secretion

[WG21:p348] Selective


  • Glucose
  • Mannose
  • Certain amino acids
    * Arginine, Leucine, and others
  • NO
  • Intestinal hormones
    * GIP and others
  • Glucagon
  • Beta-adrenergic agonist
  • Sulfonylurea
  • Theophylline


  • K+ depletion
  • Somatostatin
  • Alpha-adrenergic agonist
  • Thiazide diuretics
  • Phenytoin
  • Insulin




Acts directly on pancreatic B cells to increase insulin secretion

Response to glucose is biphasic
* A rapid but brief increase, followed by
* More slowly developing prolonged increase




Glucose enters B cells by GLUT2
--> Metabolised
--> ATP generated
--> ATP inhibits ATP-sensitive K+ channels
--> Reducing K+ efflux
--> Depolarizaton of B cells
--> Ca2+ influx (via voltage-gated channel)
--> Exocytosis of granules (with insulin in them)
--> Followed by priming of other secretory granules (via glutamate)


Oral hypoglycemic agents


Increase secretion of insulin

Only works when there are B cells remaining

Binds to ATP-inhibited K+ channels in B cells
* Similar mechanism as glucose [see above]


Reduce gluconeogenesis
--> Thus decreasing hepatic glucose output

Risk of lactic acidosis

Troglitazone (and other thiazolidinediones)

Increase insulin-mediated peripheral glucose uptake
--> Reducing insulin resistance




Factors that increase cAMP in B cells increase insulin secretion

e.g. glucagon, phosphodiesterase inhibitor (e.g. theophylline)



Inhibits insulin secretion via alpha2-receptor

Stimulate insulin secretion via beta-receptor

Net effect: INHIBITION

In alpha-blockade, effect may be stimulation


Intestinal hormones

Stimulation of insulin secretion:

  • Glucagon
  • Secretin
  • Cholecystokinin (CCK)
  • Gastrin
  • Gastric inhibitory peptide


  • GIP is the only one that produces stimulation with normal oral glucose intake


  • Normal oral glucose intake does not produce levels of other hormones high enough to produce stimulation of insulin secretion

K+ depletion

Decreases insulin secretion


Primary aldosteronism
--> K+ depletion
--> Diabetic glucose intolerance

Other notes


Thyrotoxicosis aggravates clinical diabetes
* Thyroid increase GIT absorption of glucose and cause some hepatic glycogen depletion

Glucocorticoids can worsen diabetes
* Increase in protein catabolism
* Increased gluconeogenesis in liver
* Increased hepatic glycogenesis and ketogenesis
* Decrease in peripheral glucose utilisation

Growth hormone can also worsen diabetes
* Mobilise FFA --> Ketogenesis
* Decrease glucose uptake in some tissues
* Increased hepatic glucose output
* May decrease tissue binding of insulin
* Growth hormone does not stimulate insulin directly, but the hyperglycaemia it produces may stimulate insulin